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작성자 한인회 작성일20-12-01 17:08 조회3,754회 댓글0건첨부파일
- AKASN_constitution[196356].pdf (533.9K) 0회 다운로드 DATE : 2020-12-01 17:08:40
Also Known as: Korean Society of Sydney Australia INC.
ABN: 484 829 812 57
NSW Fair Trading: INC 1901676 (19 Dec 2019)
GST Registration Number : 484 829 812 57 (3 Oct 2019)
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 Name of the Association
Article 2 Objective
Article 3 Type of Association
Article 4 Representative
Article 5 Location
Article 6 Branches
Chapter 2 Membership
Article 7 Classification of Members
Article 8 Qualification of Members
Article 9 Rights of Members
Article 10 Duty of Members
Article 11 Reward and Punishment
Chapter 3 General Meeting
Article 12 Resolution of the General Meeting
Article 13 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Tentative General Meeting (TGM )
Article 14 Convening an Annual General Meeting
Article 15 Methods of Resolution
Chapter 4 Management of Executive Committee
Article 16 Composition of the Committee
Article 17 Election
Article 18 Duties of Committee Members
Article 19 Tenure of Executive Members
Article 20 Vacancy or Dismissal of Presidency
Article 21 By-Election of Acting Members
Chapter 5 Management of Committee
Article 22 Composition of the Committee
Article 23 Tenure of Committee Members
Article 24 Termination of Committee Members
Article 25 Substitution of Committee Members
Article 26 Duties of Committee Members
Article 27 Regular Meetings and Other Meetings
Article 28 Number of Members required for a Resolution
Chapter 6 Auditors
Article 29 Election of Auditors
Article 30 Number of Auditors
Article 31 Tenure of Auditors
Article 32 Termination of Auditors
Article 33 By-Election of Auditors
Article 34 Prohibition of Holding Concurrent Positions
Article 35 Duties of Auditors
Article 36 Disagreement amongst Auditors
Chapter 7 Special Committee
Article 37 Formation of a Special Committee (SC)
Article 38 Privileges of a Special Committee (SC)
Article 39 Regular Special Committee
Chapter 8 Finance
Article 40 Management Costs
Article 41 Annual Membership Fees
Article 42 Financial Year
Article 43 Principals of Finance
Article 44 Budget
Article 45 Execution of Budget
Article 46 Signing Securities
Article 47 Financial Reporting
Article 48 Special Account
Article 49 Special Fund
Article 50 Management of Profits and Losses of the Investment Business
Chapter 9 Australian Korean Association of Sydney & NSW Building
Article 51 Building Management of the Association
Article 52 Letting Fee
Chapter 10 Winding Up
Article 53 Surplus assets not to be distributed to Members
Article 54 Distribution of Surplus Assets
Chapter 11 Definitions and Interpretation
Article 55 Definitions
Article 56 Interpretation
Chapter 12 Miscellaneous
Article 57 Public Officer
Article 58 Common Seal
Article 59 Custody and Interpretation of Books
Article 60 Insurance
Article 1 Name of the Association
The name of the Association is The Australian Korean Association of Sydney & NSW (“the Association”).
Article 2 Objective
The Association is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-religious.
The Association’s object is to pursue the following charitable purposes;
2.1 To provide for the observance of Korean art, craft, customs, festivals and ceremonies and to integrate them within the culture of Australia
2.2 To provide for instruction and opportunity to converse in the Korean language through Korean language school and community activities
2.3 To provide community services, such as settlement, social services, day care, aged care, home care to new immigrants, permanent residents and Australian citizens of Korean.
2.4 To promote understanding between the Korean Australian community and other Australian communities through multicultural principals
2.5 To help and support the integration of immigrants of Korean into the Australian society by advancing the acceptance of Australian values such as democracy, the principal of law, the use of the English language and encourage the adoption of Australian citizenship.
2.6 To represent the diverse interests of those of Korean living in Australia as well as encouraging them to be volunteers and
2.7 To co-operative with other organizations and government bodies in the advancement of the objects of the company .
Article 3 Type of Association
The Association is a not-for-profit Association which is established to be and to continue as a charity. The Association shall always operate as a not-for-profit organization. The assets and income of the Association shall be applied solely in furtherance of the above-mentioned purpose. No portion of the assets and income shall be distributed directly or indirectly to a
member of the Association except as bona fide compensation for rendered services or expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.
Article 4 Representative
The Association represents the Australian Korean Association of Sydney in the State of New South Wales.
Article 5 Location
The Office of the Association is presently located at 82 Brighton Ave. Croydon Park NSW 2133.
Article 6 Branches
6.1 The Association shall have full power and authority to change the principle office from one location to another.
6.2 The establishment of the branch and its criteria shall be approved at a general meeting of the Association.
Article 7 Classification of Members
Members are classified as either full, associate or honorary members.
Article 8 Qualification of Members
8.1 Full Member: A person is eligible to be a full member of the Association only if they are of Korean background or are adopted from Korea (18 years of age or older), hold current Australian citizenship or a current Permanent Resident Status Visa and live in New South Wales.
8.2 An Association Member: A person is eligible to be an associate member of the Association only if they are not a full member and are of Korean background in New South Wales and hold a valid Visa and are a current Korean citizen (18 years of age or older).
8.3 An Honorary Member: A person who is ineligible to be a member of the Association as above, but who contributes to the Association’s development may become a member by resolution of the Committee Members.
8.4 The Association must establish and maintain a register of members. The register of members must be kept by the Secretary and must contain;
(a) For each current member;
i. Name;
ii. Address;
iii. Any alternative address nominated by the member for the service of notices;and
iv. Date and signed the member was entered on to the register.
(b) For each person who stopped being a member in the last seven (7) years;
i. Name;
ii. Address;
iii. Any alternative address nominated by the member for the service of notices; and
iv. Date the membership started and ended.
8.5 The Association should give current members access to the register of members under the permission of the President and the Executive Committee Members.
8.6 Information that is accessed from the register of members must only be used in a manner relevant to the interests or rights of members.
8.7 Who can be a member:
(a) A person who supports the purposes of the Association is eligible to apply to be a member of the Association under clause 8.
(b) In this clause ‘person’ means an individual or body.
8.8 How to apply to become a member:
A person (as defined in clause 8) may apply to become a member of the Association by writing to the secretary stating that they;
(a) Want to become a member; and
(b) Support the purposes of the Association and agree to comply with the Association Constitution.
Article 9 Rights of the members
9.1 Members can use the various facilities provided by the Association.
9.2 Full members have the right to vote or to be elected and to contribute to resolutions.
9.3 Associate members can attend and speak at a general meeting but are not eligible to vote.
9.4 Persons who are eligible to participate in an election must be a full member. A spouse of a full member who is not of a Korean background is also eligible to vote in an election. However voting rights will be automatically lost if and when the parties divorce.
9.5 Persons who adopt a child from Korea are also eligible to vote but are not able to be elected to any position within the Association.
Article 10 Duty of Members
10.1 All members are required to pay an annual membership fee as determined at the General Meeting and the Association is to provide the members with a receipt as confirmation that they are a new or continuing member of the association.
10.2 To be able to vote it does not matter whether the annual fee has not been paid, however the member must be registered.
10.3 All members must maintain their moral ethics and are obliged to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Association.
Article 11 Reward and Punishment
11.1 The members of the Association can be rewarded by the President based on their contribution that significantly develops the Association.
11.2 If any member willingly interferes with the development and unity of the Association and/or breaches the regulations of the Constitution, the President may issue a warning or suspend the member or on a resolution of the Committee Members may terminate the member’s membership.
11.3 The procedure for reporting any matters for punishment is it will need to be submitted in the form of a letter (setting out the violations) to the President or a Committee Meeting. Once received, the matter will then be investigated by three (3) Committee Members.
11.4 In the event the Committee Members recommend disciplinary action, a full Committee Meeting must be held. The President must provide written notice two (2) weeks in advance to the relevant member setting out the following:
(a) The date and location of the Committee Meeting;
(b) The offence(s); and
(c) The Committee Members recommendations.
11.5 In the event the Committee Members decide to take legal action, the President must notify the member within seven (7) days of the Committee Members recommendation the member’s right of appeal as stated in Clause 11.7.
11.6 Any disciplinary action taken in accordance with Clause 11.5 are:
(a) If the member has not appealed or the appeal period has expired; and
(b) In the case where the member has appealed the disciplinary measure will take an effect after the appeal as stated in Clause 11.5.
11.7 A member who is subject to disciplinary action and is dissatisfied with the outcome of an appeal may apply for a review by the President within seven (7) days of the appeal decision as stated in Clause11.5.
11.8 When the President receives an application for review, the Committee Members must be notified immediately, and the committee’s decision must be submitted to the following general meeting.
11.9 At the following General Meeting as stated in clause 11.8;
i. The member must be given a right of appeal either in writing or verbally; and
ii. It should be determined by a secret ballot of the General Meeting the confirmation, correction or cancelation of the disciplinary measures recommended.
11.10 The selection of disciplinary measures may be agreed at a General Meeting or at a Committee Meeting. The choice for disciplinary measures is either “not-guilty”, “warning” , “resignation” or “dismissal”. The decision will be determined by adding all the votes for each measure and the measure which has the majority of votes will be the disciplinary action taken.
Article 12 Resolution of a General Meeting
Resolutions of a General Meeting may deal with
1. Acquisition and disposal of major assets of the Association.
2. Approval of budget and confirmation of settlement.
3. Amendment of the articles of the Association.
4. The Incorporation or winding up of the Association.
5. Any other matters specified by resolution in accordance with the constitution at a general meeting.
Article 13 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Tentative General Meeting (TGM)
13.1 An AGM must be held in July or August each year.
13.2 A meeting of TGM may be held at any time if requested in writing by the President or requested by a minimum 200 full members.
Article 14 Convening of an Annual General Meeting
14.1 An Annual General meeting will be convened by the President. However, a full member can call for the convening of a General Meeting if supported by 100 members.
14.2 If requested by 200 full members of the Association or by Committee Meeting, the President must hold a TGM within 30days from the request date and if not a
representative of the 200 full members of the Association or the Committee Meeting requesting the meeting can nominate and convene a TGM.
14.3 A notice of an AGM may be published in multiple Korean community newspapers two (2) weeks prior to the meeting setting out the date, location and agenda.
Article 15 Methods of Resolution
15.1 The AGM can proceed if more than 200 full members attend. A resolution may be determined by majority vote of the members present. If the vote is equal the President has a casting vote to determine a resolution. However, if 200 full members are not present one hour after the meeting has commenced, so long as 100 “full” status members are in attendance the meeting may proceed.
15.2 In relation to disciplinary action, the dismissal of auditors, the revision of the Constitution, the disposal or acquisition of assets, the winding up of the Association and disciplinary action against a member can be decided by two thirds (2/3rd) majority of the votes of the participating members provided that two thirds (2/3rd) majority consists of 200 full members of the Association.
15.3 A resolution can be accepted if it is agreed by over half of the attendees present with the exception of Clause 15.2 above.
15.4 A member is unable to vote via a proxy.
Article 16 Composition of the Committee
16.1 The composition of the Executive Committee shall consist of the President and the Vice President. The President may elect to have two (2) Vice Presidents.
16.2 The Association can appoint two (2) Vice Presidents.
Article 17 Election
17.1 The President and Vice President is to be elected by full members on the election day set by the electoral management committee before the AGM in a direct and secret ballot.
17.2 The President can appoint another Vice President.
Article 18 Duties of Committee Members
18.1 The President represents and supervises the Association.
18.2 The President presides, executes the resolutions of AGM and Management Committee and reports to the AGM.
18.3 The Vice President must act on behalf of and support the President and carry out the duties assigned to him or her by the President.
Article 19 Tenure of Executive Members
19.1 The tenure of the President and Vice President is two (2) years and expires at the end of the second AGM convened after his or her inauguration.
19.2 The President may be reappointed only once and have no limitations on multiple
19.3 The President must exchange the Presidency within 30 days once the notification of the outcome of the members vote has been received.
Article 20 Vacancy of Dismissal of Presidency
20.1 The termination of President and Vice President occurs in accordance with Article 24, Clauses 24.1 to 24.6.
Article 21 By-Election of Acting Members
21.1 When the President is absent and there are two (2) appointed Vice Presidents, one (1) elected Vice President shall act as the President and the other appointed Vice President will keep his position as Vice President. When the President and Vice President are both absent, a President can be by-elected at a Committee Meeting.
21.2 When the position of Vice President becomes vacant or is vacated by the succession of the President, the Vice President will be re-elected by the AGM with the recommendation of the President. However, if the remaining tenure is less than six (6) months this does not apply.
Article 22 Composition of the Committee
22.1 The Members of the Committee consist of the President, Vice President ( one or two) and Members not exceeding 20.
22.2 The Members of the Committee who have been elected by the AGM or by the President shall not exceed 10 Members from each division.
22.3 The President of the Committee is also the Chairperson of Management.
Article 23 Tenure of Committee Members
23.1 The tenure of a Committee Member is the same as the President of the Association.
Article 24 Termination of Committee Members
24.1 Termination of a Committee Member ceases if the Member:
i. Dies;
ii. Ceases to be a Member of the Association;
iii. If subject to disciplinary action ordered by the AGM
iv. Is convicted of a criminal offence which has a penalty exceeding 12 months and have a criminal record;
v. Resigns by giving notice in writing to the Secretary; or
vi. Is absent from three (3) consecutive Meetings without the consent of the Committee.
Article 25 Substitution of Committee Members
25.1 In the event of a Committee casual vacancy, a substitute may be appointed to fill the vacancy by the President.
Article 26 Duties of Committee Members
26.1 The duties of a Committee Member include:
i. The election and dismissal of an Elected Official;
ii. The re-election of the President by the Association;
iii. The composition of a Special Committee of the Association;
iv. The review of the management, acquisition and disposal of main assets of the Association
v. The constitution and revision of the implementation of the Constitution of the Association;
vi. A review of the financial matters and other matters quarterly; and
vii. Making a decision about fees for the community can only be affected when approved by AGM
Article 27 Regular Meetings and other Meetings
27.1 A regular Meeting must be held each month.
27.2 Other Meetings can be convened as requested by the President or by more than one third (1/3rd) vote of the Members of the Committee.
27.3 A Meeting must be convened by the President of the Association and a notification to members and auditors must issue one week in advance.
Article 28 Numbers of Members required for Resolution
28.1 If there is no specific regulation in the Constitution, a decision of a Meeting shall be by majority votes of the members in attendance. In the case of equal number of votes, the President shall have a casting vote.
28.2 In relation to disciplinary action of the disposal of the Association’s assets, the vote of at least two thirds (2/3rd) of the Committee is required to pass a resolution and then must be submitted to the AGM.
Article 29 Election of Auditors
29.1 Auditors are recommended by the Committee and shall be elected directly or by a secret ballot.
Article 30 Numbers of Auditors
There are to be two (2) auditors.
Article 31 Tenure of Auditors
The tenure of an auditor is three (3) years and expires at the completion of a regular Meeting convened the third (3rd) anniversary following his/her inauguration.
Article 32 Termination of Auditors
The causes for the termination of auditors are the same as for the Committee Members as set out in Article 24.
Article 33 By-Election of Auditors
If an auditor’s position becomes vacant, a by-election is to be held by the Committee
Article 34 Prohibition of holding Concurrent Positions
Auditors cannot hold a concurrent position in the Association
Article 35 Duties of an Auditor
35.1 Auditors are to audit the finance and administration of the Association and shall report to the Committee and be present at the AGM every year.
35.2 If in carrying out their duties, an auditor finds or has concerns that any matters may be in breach of the law or the Constitution, the auditor must report the matter immediately to the Committee.
35.3 The Auditors may be present at the Committee Meeting and express their opinions.
Article 36 Disagreement amongst Auditors
If two (2) auditors reach different conclusions, they must report separately to the Committee in relation to the conclusion reached.
Article 37 Formation of the Special Committee
If a GM or Committee Meeting acknowledges that specialized expert opinions are required and no appropriate organization has been appointed in the Constitution, a Special Committee (SC) may be formed for the purpose of appointing an expert.
Article 38 Privileges of Special Committee
If the GM or the Committee form a Special Committee as mentioned in the previous Article, a limitation must be placed on the authorization between the existing organization which is in charge of the matters being delegated to the SC.
Article 39 Regular Special Committee
39.1 The election of the Management Committee is the Regular Special Committee.
39.2 In relation to the composition and duties of the Election Management Committee (ECM),
a separation regulation shall apply.
Article 40 Management Costs
The management costs of the Association are funded by membership fees and other income.
Article 41 Annual Membership Fees
Annual membership fees are determined by following Article 26.1 Clause 7.
Article 42 Financial Year
The financial year starts from 1 July and ends on 30 June the following year.
Article 43 Principals of Finance
The budget and finance of the Association follows general financial principals and certified accounting practices.
Article 44 Budget
A business plan and budget are compiled by the President in each financial year as well reviewed and approved at a General Meeting.
Article 45 Execution of Budget
A budget shall be executed reflecting various conditions at the time of executing the budget. However, in unavoidable circumstances, the President may alter the business plan and transfer budget items.
Article 46 Signing the Securities
Every cheque, security or transferrable bond issued by the Association must be signed by the President and one other Committee Member as recommended by the Committee.
Article 47 Financial Reporting
At the end of the financial year the President shall complete a business report, a budge performance account, a balance sheet and an accounting report. These shall be reviewed by the Committee, audited by the auditors and approved at the AGM.
Article 48 Special Account
The following businesses are dealt with by the Special Account:
i. The construction of Association Building and Promotion; and
ii. Investment projects for other general funds.
Article 49 Special Fund
49.1 All funds raised for the Association and cultural center must be deposited into a special account as “_____________ “ and ”_________________”.
49.2 The fund for erection of the Association Building and the Culture Center shall be accounted separately as the “Construction Reserve Funds” and the corresponding assets are to be divided and held as follows:
i. Cash or term deposit;
ii. Investment assets;
iii. Construction and materials;
iv. Land, building and products;
49.3 If any assets mentioned above need to be altered, they must be reviewed and approved by the Association at the AGM.
49.4 In relation to the Cultural Centre of the Association, when it needs to be demolished it must be reviewed and approved by the Association at the AGM.
Article 50 Management of Profits and Losses of the Investment Business
The profits and losses raised by the investment business for any general fund shall be replaced by the profit or loss of the general account.
Article 51 Building Management of the Association
The Association can employee several staff members to manage, repair and maintain the building.
The Association must be insured.
Article 52 Letting fee
52.1 A separate bank account must be opened to maintain income or profits for the Association and can only be used for maintaining the building.
52.2 The President of the Association shall appoint one (1) member to be in charge of maintaining the building.
Article 53 Surplus assets not to be distributed to members
If the Association is wound up, any surplus assets must not be distributed to a member or a former member of the Association unless that member or former member is a charity.
Article 54 Distribution of surplus assets
54.1 Subject to the Associations Incorporation Regulation 2016 (NSW Legislation) and any other applicable Act, and any Court Order, any surplus assets remaining after the Association is wound up must be distributed to one or more charities;
(a) With charitable purposes similar to or inclusive of the purposes in Article 2; and
(b) Which also prohibit the distribution of any surplus assets to its members to at least the same extent as the Association
54.2 The decision as to the charity or charities to be given, the surplus assets must be made by special resolution of Members at or before the time of winding up. If the Members do not make this decision, the Association may apply to the Supreme Court to make the decision.
54.3 It is required to transfer any surplus gifts, deductible contributions and related money to another DGR if it is dissolved or wound up (closed), or has its DGR endorsement revocked (cancealled) by the ATO (whichever comes first).
Article 55 Definitions
In this constitution:
ACNE Act means the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth)
Association means the Association referred to in Article 1
Act means the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW)
Committee Member means a member of the committee who is not an office bearer of the Association.
General Meeting means a meeting of members and includes the Annual General Meeting under Chapter 3
Member Present means; in connection with a general meeting, a member present in person
Registered Charity means a charity that is registered under the ACNC Act
Secretary means ;
(a)The person holding office under the constitution as secretary of the Association; or
(b)If no such person holds that office - the public office of the Association
Special General Meeting means a general meeting of the Association other than an Annual General Meeting
Surplus Assets means any assets of the Association that remains after paying all debts and other liabilities of the Association including the costs of winding up
The regulation means The Associations Incorporation Regulation 2010 (NSW)
Article 56 Reading this Constitution with the Act
56.1 The replaceable rules set out in the Act do not apply to the Association
56.2 While the Association is a registered charity, the ACNC Act and the Associations incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) override any clauses in this Constitution which are inconsistent with those Acts.
56.3 If the Association is not a registered charity (even if it remains a charity), the Act overrides any clause in this Constitution which is inconsistent with that Act.
56.4 A word or expression that is defined in the Act or used in that Act and covering the same subject has the same meaning as in this Constitution.
Article 57 Interpretation
In this Constitution
57.1 The words ‘including’, ‘for example’ or similar expressions mean that there may be more inclusions or examples than those mentioned after the expressions; and
57.2 Reference to an Act includes every amendment, re-enactment or replacement of that Act and any subordinate legislation made under that Act (such as regulation).
Article 58 Public Officer
The president of the Association shall be appointed as public officer under the Association Incorporation Act 1984
Article 59 Common Seal
59.1 The President of the Association must keep in his/her custody the Common Seal.
59.2 A common Seal only can be used when it is approved by the Association.
59.3 A secretary and one member of the Association must approve and signed when using the Common Seal.
Article 60 Custody and Inspection of Books
60.1 Except as otherwise provided by this constitution, the public officer must keep in his/her custody or under his/her control of all records, books and other documents relating to the Association.
60.2 All records, books and other documents of the Association can be opened for an inspection by a member of the Association at any reasonable hour.
Article 61 Insurance
The Association must be insured in relation to the Association Incorporation Act 1984.
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